The Melanie Avalon Podcast Episode #38 - Connie Zack
Connie Zack, started Sunlighten in a basement in 2002. Along with her husband Aaron, they have grown the business dramatically over the last 18 years. Today, from its Overland Park Kansas headquarters, Sunlighten develops, designs, and retails infrared light therapies. The company's unique patented Far Infrared technology, and 3 in 1 Infrared light therapies, are globally transforming wellness.
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2:20 - Get $200 Off Any Sunlighten Cabin Model Or $100 Off The Solo Unit (That Melanie Has!) AND $99 Shipping (Regularly $598) With The Code MelanieAvalon At MelanieAvalon.Com/Sunlighten. Forward Your Proof Of Purchase To, To Receive A Signed Copy Of What When Wine!
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3:30 - Paleo OMAD Biohackers: Intermittent Fasting + Real Foods + Life: Join Melanie's Facebook Group To Discuss And Learn About All Things Biohacking! All Conversations Welcome!
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7:10 - Connie's Background And Journey To Infrared Saunas And Sunlighten
10:00 - Infrared Sauna For Mercury Detox
12:30 - Heat Therapy And Traditional Heat Vs. Infrared Saunas
14:00 - What Determines How Much You Sweat?
16:45 - Adapting To Sweating With Infrared Saunas
19:00 - What Are The Different Types Of Infrared?
20:30 - Far Infrared Benefits In Sunlighten
23:15 - Near Infrared For The Skin
27:15 - Comfort Level And Effectiveness
29:30 - BEAUTYCOUNTER: Non-Toxic Beauty Products Tested For Heavy Metals, Which Support Skin Health And Look Amazing! Shop At Beautycounter.Com/MelanieAvalon For Something Magical! For Exclusive Offers And Discounts, And More On The Science Of Skincare, Get On Melanie's Private Beauty Counter Email List At MelanieAvalon.Com/CleanBeauty!
31:30 - Benefits From Heating Vs. Cooling Down
34:00 - Sauna For Sleep
37:45 - Detoxing Toxins Through Sweat
44:45 - How To Start Sauna Use, How Often, And How Long?
47:00 - How Intuitive Is Your Response To Sauna Therapy?
48:15 - Sauna For Burning Calories
Effects of Far-infrared Therapy on Weight Loss in Korean Obese Women
50:35 - How To Optimize A Session?
55:20 - The Solo Unit
1:02:00 - Sauna For Immunity And COVID-19
1:06:35 - BIOPTIMIZERS: A Company Whose Mission Is To Fix Your Digestion! They Make A Range Of Awesome Supplements, Including Digestive And Proteolytic Enzymes, Gluten Support, HCL, And More! go To P3OM.Com/Melanie To Get 10% Off With The Code Melanie10
1:09:35 - EMFs And Infrared
1:14:00 - Is It Hard To Maintain A Sauna At Home?
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Repeated sauna therapy reduces urinary 8-epi-prostaglandin F(2alpha).
Clinical implications of thermal therapy in lifestyle-related diseases.
The effects of repeated thermal therapy for two patients with
chronic fatigue syndrome
Melanie Avalon:
Hi friends, welcome back to the show. So I am so excited about the conversation I'm about to have today. It's been probably a year in the making, ever since I got one of the units designed by this wonderful guest I am here with, Connie Zack. She is the founder of Sunlighten. They make incredible infrared saunas. And I'm so excited because we are going to dive deep into sauna use, the health benefits, traditional versus infrared saunas. I have so many questions I've been dying to ask. So thank you, Connie, so much for being here.
Connie Zack:
Thank you, Melanie, for having me. I'm thrilled to be here. I'm thrilled to have this conversation.
Melanie Avalon:
Me too. And for listeners, so Connie and I were going to record the other day but we had some technical difficulties but it was like a really good teaser for me because we started talking about a lot of the research that Connie has been doing recently, especially with everything that's happening with the Coronavirus, and the immune system and how heat therapy can affect all of that. So I imagine we can get into a lot of really exciting topics.
Melanie Avalon:
But to start things off, would you like to tell listeners a little bit about your personal health history and what brought you to where you are today with Sunlighten?
Connie Zack:
Sure. So my background is, I was working in a corporate job at Procter & Gamble on the pharmaceutical side on sales and marketing. And my brother tragically was very ill and he found a form of infrared heat that we use today, and that's really how everything started. That was over 20 years ago. He was literally ... when I say, very sick, he could not get out of bed, he could not travel. He did not look well, he was very young, and it was really tragic.
Connie Zack:
But once his dentist recommended a form of Far infrared, there was a little bit of research on how it could potentially help detoxify the body and help you sweat with your skin, being your largest organ. That's exactly what happened to my brother; Is he sweat out mercury from his body and healed himself with a form of the product that we've developed. And I saw that, and I helped him get the business started.
Connie Zack:
And then a couple of years later, he needed a little bit more help and came on board and have since 2002. So not sure going on 18 years myself, that I've spent dedicating to developing the most effective and efficient, as well as cost effective, because we want to be able to make the world a healthier place as a result of what we do every day. And in order to do that you need to be able to reach the masses. So we're doing everything we can to provide the most effective product, but also keep costs down so that everybody can afford to heal themselves naturally and safely with Sunlighten products.
Connie Zack:
So that's how I got started. It's very fascinating because I always wanted to make the world a healthier place, I always wanted to make a difference, specifically in the wellness category, which is what I was attempting to do in the pharmaceutical world and then the GI and cardiovascular division. But I was still was a little empty because I was not curing, I was helping develop products that were making people feel better, but it wasn't getting to the root cause. It wasn't taking the bandage off and really turning them around.
Connie Zack:
And we found that with our products that we've developed today, we've really changed and transformed a lot of people's lives and put them back on the road to recovery. And I feel very good about that. I'm very passionate about what I do and love what I do.
Melanie Avalon:
Wow, okay, so that really warms my heart. No pun intended to hear that. I didn't know obviously that relationship with your brother in the mercury and everything. That's actually the reason I started using infrared saunas. I had really severe mercury toxicity. Like really, really bad. And wow, I'm really excited now.
Connie Zack:
What was the origin, Melanie?
Melanie Avalon:
Actually from fish, which I say actually, because it was really bad. I don't know if you're familiar with Dr. Chris Shade. He does a lot with heavy metal detox. And he was like, "Yeah, you are way high up there." It was from fish. What was your brother's from?
Connie Zack:
We're not sure, but we were raised on fish. We were raised without red meat growing up, and so we did eat a lot of a lot of fish. I think that the origin came from his fillings, there's Mercury fillings in his mouth because he had a lot of them. And his dentist was the one that kind of connected the dots, and this is over 20 years ago, so we know so much more today. But I think that's where it started. But Mercury is such a heavy metal and so, so difficult to get out of the body once you get it in. So I'm thrilled to hear that you've been able to rebound and be healthy again. Because it tears me up when I hear people are unnecessarily toxic, right?
Melanie Avalon:
Exactly. And I think it's something a lot of people don't even realize until they've been through it or they know somebody who's been through it, but like you said, especially with the heavy metals, it's so hard to get them out. And especially once they do build up, they're affecting your detoxification system so they're affecting what your body would naturally use it to get them out anyway. So it's kind of like a perpetuating cycle of ... you've really got to turn the ship around, stop the exposure.
Melanie Avalon:
And not just heavy metals, like all the different toxins that we have today and then support the body as well. Something that you're mentioning, the difference between having supplements and things like that that can help you be better versus therapies that actually ... from my personal opinion, seem to make the body function better on a physical level. I consider things like heat therapy, cold therapy practices like that. So, I'm so thrilled. And I'm so thrilled that you're making this more accessible to everyday person with your units.
Melanie Avalon:
Something I'd love to start off with is, I think with saunas in general, there's heat saunas, and then there's infrared saunas. Could you give a brief overview of just a sauna use in general so heat therapy, so warming up the body? Why does that have health benefits in the body? Why is being hot or very hot, a good thing?
Connie Zack:
There's a couple of key benefits with heating up the body. One is for being able to convert the body into sweat. Like to be able to have the body work hard enough where you're increasing your caloric burn. You're starting to increase your cardiovascular conditioning, you're changing yourself so that you're sweating. Because any sweat is good. We'll get into Sunlighten's infrared and how we're different than a traditional just going out for a run or sweating outside. But any sweat ... I'm a really, like I said, a proponent of everybody being healthier, and it would be great if everybody owned this Sunlighten product, but most importantly, I want them to take action of taking the right steps. And so any sweat is good. So any exercise, any movements and heat, a lot of times gets the body into a state where you're sweating.
Connie Zack:
So that's one benefit of heat. Another that is most commonly used is for reducing pain or inflammation at the tissues and the joints. If you apply heat, that helps to take the ... what's called the angry parts of your body and relax them and reduce stress. So it helps with not only pain, but mobility and agility.
Connie Zack:
And those are two of the big benefits of heat. There's a lot of different types of ... there's also, being able to, like I said, increasing the circulation, increasing oxygenation, increasing blood flow, but the big ones is just being able to sweat which has so many benefits and helping with pain.
Melanie Avalon:
So some follow up questions there as far as the sweating goes, one thing I had read and experienced as well was that the more you engage in sauna use, the more you would start sweating. So does our natural ability to sweat, does it up regulate the more that we do it? It seems that some people naturally seem to be like sweatier people than other people, like some people will say they never sweat. And then some people will say they're always sweating.
Melanie Avalon:
So I just asked two completely different questions. But for the first one is sweating a genetic thing, or is it based on ... Like, what determines how much you sweat?
Connie Zack:
That's a great question. And nobody's ever asked me if it's genetic. I've never even thought about that. So I don't know the answer if sweating is genetic. That's a really great question.
Melanie Avalon:
Yeah, I would just say to that, what made me think of that is my mom always says that, like her side of the family, they don't sweat much and they don't really have body odor. And she would say that I inherited that from her, which is why I thought there might be a genetic thing to it. What I found fascinating was I went through a period where I didn't really have body odor and wasn't like sweating a ton until I got the mercury toxicity and a lot of problems that went with that. And then I started actually sweating more and experiencing more of that. I don't know what part of it is genetic, how much it is environmental, but I do wonder what's there?
Connie Zack:
I'd love to learn more about that, and I'm not sure. I know that and what we do because that's where I've just been focused. And I always try and reach out and understand more broadly, but my expertise, just to be completely transparent and honest, is in the infrared world. Like, I know that very, very, very, very well.
Connie Zack:
And I do know that with specifically, like sweating using infrared, a lot of people that aren't traditional, let's just call ... like you said, like with your family, traditional people who sweat a lot can have a slower adaptation, a slower time to respond to our technology because their body is not used to the wavelengths and they're not used to the frequency. And so you have to kind of ... just like with exercise, you have to retrain your body, you have to retrain your muscle. You're having to retrain everything.
Connie Zack:
So once you do that ... So it's a process. I always smile when people say, I'm not going to sweat. I'm like, well ... because I don't sweat. There's just people who believe that they don't sweat. But what I have found over the years is that just means you haven't had the right experience. In my opinion, just in my opinion, it's really my experience. My vast experience doing this for almost 20 years, is that once you do especially in the infrared world, because that's my space, once you start to receive the right amount, and the right frequency of specifically ... we'll just stay with Far infrared for a second. Once you start to receive an antibody and your body starts to recognize it, let's say the first time that you're sitting inside maybe you are ... say you're in there for 30 minutes. And say the entire time you're in there you're not sweating, that will change.
Connie Zack:
People, if they're not used to sweating they'll say, "No, I'm never going to sweat, I'm never going to sweat." And we had to see that happen. It does change. Without getting into the science into infrared because we're going to wait for that, but I think it's how, to say, I think it's how it works the body that makes that significant change with Sunlighten's product versus just being outside in warm air.
Connie Zack:
I don't know if you're following me, but I think there's a definite technology difference that will cause people to sweat, sweat more profusely, sweat more deeply, sweat in a different way with using Sunlighten's products and just with sweating in a regular, what's called a conventional, traditional sauna or just being outside in hot air in the summer.
Melanie Avalon:
Okay, this is fascinating. And yeah, I would love to dive deeper into the science of the wavelengths and what is actually happening in the body. You said, the body is adapting to these wavelengths, so how does it work? And I guess there's infrared, there's a spectrum we have Near infrared, Mid, Far infrared, what are the different types of infrared and then how are they functioning when we use them in an infrared sauna?
Connie Zack:
So there's three different parts of the infrared spectrum. There's Far, which is the farthest wavelength from the sun, which is why it's called Far. And it's also by surface temperature, it's also the coolest of the three. And then there's Mid which is obviously hotter than Far and shorter wavelength. And then there's Near which is the shortest of them all. And really the only way to provide a therapeutic benefit, a really strong therapeutic benefit of Near is to convert it from heat to LEDs, because then otherwise, it would have to be just ridiculously hot. You couldn't deliver a product that you would never get approved by any electrical company, because of the wavelength must be so hot on the Near infrared. So, really the right way is to convert it to LEDs and deliver the Near infrared through light emitting diodes.
Connie Zack:
So those are the three wavelengths. Let's go back to Far, because that's kind of what we're talking about as far as the effects. And the Far infrared wavelengths goes the deep into the body and essentially heats up your core temperature. That's really where all the magic happens. And that's really what separates ... there's a lot thing that separates infrared from traditional and Sunlighten from other infrared and Sunlighten from traditional. But when it comes down to the top three things, this is one of why you would want to have a Sunlighten infrared sauna versus anything else. Is because we have studied the wavelength, we know how much the quantity to get into the body, we know the right frequency, where the body is absorbing it at the maximum rate, and the body starts to increase from your ... say you start at 98 and starts to increase and boost that core temperature while still being safe. And also, while being in a comfortable environment where you're not ... like in the traditional saunas where they're 180 degrees, let's call it in temperature, it's hard to breathe.i And most people can't stay in there that long.
Connie Zack:
And in order to revised therapeutic value, you need to be able to get the wavelength into the body, heat up your core temperature, allow your body to be in there for at least 30 minutes so that your body is heating up. And that's where all the magic happens. Because once you get that increase in core temperature, we could talk about that forever, like all the different benefits that happen with that.
Connie Zack:
And so that is the main benefit of the Far infrared. If you go over to Mid infrared, being hotter, that goes back to when we talked about the very beginning, we talked about how heat in general is excellent for reducing inflammation, reducing pain and making those angry cells happy again. And Mid does it really, really well with the joints in the tissues because it doesn't go as deep as the Far. So it really, really helps. It's like a broad spectrum like nonsteroidal. It's like a medication but it's natural, which I love.
Connie Zack:
So you don't have to ... I never take like those types of ... I used to back in the day before we started Sunlighten. Like just go to nonsteroidals if I had aches and pains and now I just go into inside my sauna and bam, I'm back to normal. And then over to the Near infrared that has ... I call the Near infrared the vanity wavelength. That's my kind of personal coin term, because it's really great with the skin, at resurfacing the skin, and regenerating the skin at an accelerated rate that turns it over faster than you're able to do that. But it also has excellent benefit to inflammation at the surface like places you can't get to with a Mid or the Far wavelengths.
Connie Zack:
So I used it when I trained for a marathon and my feet would hurt my knees and the back of my neck. Places that are just ... they're hard. They're at the surface but they hurt so bad. It's like a mat when your foot hurts like glass cracking. And Near infrared is excellent for getting rid of that pain.
Connie Zack:
So I answered a couple questions in there. But, it's a robust science. And that's why a lot of times people are like oh ... they think Infrared Sauna it's that simple. It's like, you just go in there and you're sweating, bam. And there's a really a lot of science. That's what we specialize at Sunlighten, is all the science behind it to make sure that every minute that you spend in there is the most effective and efficient minute that you can spend because you can't get your time back.
Melanie Avalon:
Yeah, I love that so much. And one of the things and you hit right on this was, I think, just the experience, it can almost seem like if you had a person who had never done a sauna before and then they did a sauna session in like a traditional heat sauna. And then they did a sauna session like in a Sunlighten infrared sauna. You might feel like with the heat sauna, that it was more effective because you feel so much hotter, you might be sweating ... You feel like you did a workout or something. Whereas like when I lay in my Sunlighten Sauna, it's relaxing, it feels so good.
Melanie Avalon:
And sometimes even I like I do all this research, but sometimes I'm like, "Is this really doing a lot?? Because it just feels so good, but I know it does a lot as far as like you're talking about the muscle recovery and the soreness. I'm always blown away how it can instantly just knock that out. So comparing it again to a heat sauna. Beyond the actual heat aspect are these wavelengths therapeutically modulating cells? Is it all just based on warming up the cells and the heat or is there another aspect going on as well with the infrared?
Connie Zack:
The primary piece is in changing the cells and transforming them and moving them so that you're getting that increase in circulation, you're getting that increase in oxygen and there's that blood flow, you're sending out the body so it moves better. You're helping to cause that increase in caloric burn, you cause that increase in core temperature. You're really just doing all the healthy things that your body should be doing to fight disease and to be pain free and to have a clearer mind.
Connie Zack:
That's always the thing that we never really talked about, but it's always shocking for me when you talk about how your muscle, it's always shocking. Shocking for me how I get done, and I always thought I had to go for a run to clear my mind. And I had to do something that was just physically grueling. I still like to do the active stuff. So my Sunlighten time is never going to replace my active piece. I like both, for sure. But I'm always just shocked at how restorative I feel after doing a session and how much more energy and how much clear my brain is when I'm just sitting there. When I just sit here and talk about it sometimes it's hard for me to even imagine that wow, sitting there ... And it's enjoyable like you said, so it's not like you're sitting there you're like, "Oh my god, I can't take it 10 more seconds. Am I going to be able to ... No, our philosophy is just that.
Connie Zack:
Our philosophy is our experience in Sunlighten is meant to be enjoyed not endured. Just like life, it should be enjoyed, it should be this beautiful journey. It should be this beautiful, enjoyable experience, you're going to have your ups and downs, of course. But we're trying to create that experience where it is an enjoyable experience while being the most therapeutic experience you can have in the 30 to 40 minutes since you're in there.
Melanie Avalon:
Yeah, I think maybe we often think that anything that is making us stronger, or making us better that it has to be hard to do it. So like you said, when you're in a Sunlighten sauna, it feels really nice. So you're like, "There has to be a catch here." So some more follow up questions about all of that.
Connie Zack:
The wavelength is doing the work for you, though, so just to build on that. Because it is you just sitting there or you're meditating or doing yoga, or you're stretching. But what's fascinating and it's just such a great part of the experience is that while you're sitting there, you're getting this phenomenal energy, let's call it this heat or ... the Near infrared is not heat, there's lots of fantastic energy that's working with your body to change it and transform it. And that, to me what's so special about the experience, because it does feel like you're just sitting there but it really that the energy is working with your body to make the changes that are needed.
Melanie Avalon:
I guess the thing is, we so often think that energy expenditure is like physical movement. If you think about it, like 80% of our ... I don't know if that's the exact percentage, but 80%, or something of our daily energy is our brain anyway. So that's ... like that's just thinking. So you can see how you know all these processes, there can be a lot going on, even if it looks seemingly passive on the surface.
Melanie Avalon:
So another question about the heating of the body or some of the benefits, are they primarily from cells heating up and things like that or are the benefits coming in the body's reaction to the heat and trying to cool down?
Connie Zack:
Both. That's a great question. Yeah, I understand. That's a great question. Both. There's the energy when the body is working to cool itself down, and that's probably one of my favorites because I am all about burning calories because I like to eat. So, the more calories I can burn then the more delicious food I can consume. And that's the energy that happens. Especially if you stay in there a little bit longer, there's a tipping point where your body starts to get in that zone, where it's just gone, it's gone, it's gone and your body's working hard, hard, harder, harder, is all that energy is converted to caloric burn. And that's why ... I think one of the reasons that when you get done ...
Connie Zack:
One of the feelings that I love is different than sitting inside our product versus like, traditional heat saunas is, I have more energy afterwards. I get so lighter physically. And it's that same, like way after like a run, I feel lighter. And I like that feeling because I feel like okay I've purged, I feel just now I'm ready to go do my next project. Where in traditional heat, I am drained. And we don't want people to have that. We want people to be like, "Okay, what's next? Let's go." And that's the whole experience.
Connie Zack:
So I kind of got off track on your question, but both, it gets back to your specific question is you were working to change the cells as well as to change the energy within your body as well as to take the cells and get them to purge items for yourself when you're sick mercury toxicity. It's a challenge to get that stuff out of your body if it's not operating normally and you're not getting it out or if you've had too much, and you can't, there has to be a way to get it out. And using a really very high quality, high intense Far infrared wavelength is one of the best ways to do that.
Melanie Avalon:
I'd love to go deeper into that, but before I do that, do some follow up based on some things you just said. First of all, you're talking about how you feel drained after being outside of the heat all day. The thing I've noticed with the sauna is that, immediately after I don't feel drained, I just feel relaxed and energized in a way. I tend to do it at night though. That said, when I actually do sleep at night I sleep so much better, if I've had an infrared session. I feel like I worked out, even though I never hit that drained feeling that night when I go to bed, I feel like my body is actually resting/ Like that I'm exerted some sort of physical activity or some sort of worked out.
Melanie Avalon:
There's so much research on like the cardiovascular benefits of sauna use. So with that, as well be related to because the heart trying to pump more blood to cool down the body? Is that the primary mechanism there?
Connie Zack:
Yeah, and that's for sure. One of the ways that works this way, it's considered specifically with infrared. Traditional ones, they still may hold ... have kind of gotten away from that, but back when we started our company, there was a major ... what's it called warning, I guess, on traditional saunas that you couldn't go in there if you had like high blood pressure or heart problems. I'm not sure if it's still that way. But with Sunlighten's infrared, it's completely is exactly what you just said. Is that you're normalizing the heart and you're making the heart not work as hard. And so that's such a great benefit, is essentially is passive cardiovascular conditioning. It's such a good thing to do for your heart. It's one of the best things because you're not exerting any ... you're not pounding your body. You're sitting there, but your heart is not having to pump so hard, is flowing.
Connie Zack:
There's tons of, tons of heart studies on the epithelial lining, and the blood flow and just how it helps to expand the vessel so that everything can move easier and the heart can be healthier.
Melanie Avalon:
Okay, so quick question to clarify because now I'm not sure if I'm following it exactly. So just the heart ... because I was thinking you would have to be working harder to cool down the body, and then it would be growing stronger. But is it that your heart ultimately becomes stronger, so then it doesn't have to work as hard because it's getting stronger.
Connie Zack:
I do get what you're saying, and I'm not sure I don't ... like that gets a little bit beyond my pay grade when it comes to cardiovascular. I know a lot of wonderful and amazing cardiologists and we could definitely pull them in and ask them that question. I don't know the answer to that. I know the end result, and I know the studies, as far as before measuring the lining, before measuring and after measuring the heart rate, measuring blood pressure. All those kind of key parameters, but as far as making the heart strong, that's a tough question.
Melanie Avalon:
I'm just remembering, I think in middle school in PE class, at one point, we did the experiment where we were testing our pulse. The gym teacher blew all of our minds because she didn't tell us if a faster pulse or a slower pulse was better, we just all took it. And then we wrote down our number. And then she was like, "What is your number?" And all of us who had higher numbers thought we had done better, but then she's like, "Oh, actually, it's better if it's lower because it means your heart is being more efficient." I remember that blew my mind.
Melanie Avalon:
But in any case, so coming back to the detoxification aspect. So like I said, that clearly, that's what sparked your interest with your brother, and then with me with mercury. So one of the questions I always have is, I'm completely on board with obviously, using the saunas and detoxing through sweat, like how much toxins realistically can come out of your sweat? And the reason I'm asking that is I remember when I first got my diagnosis of mercury toxicity, and I was just so overwhelmed, and I was like, there's just so much in me, and then when I would sweat, I was like, okay, some came out, but like how much realistically can come out through sweat by supporting that system? Because substantially more come out than it would through other mechanisms. I guess just what did the studies show on that?
Connie Zack:
There's lots of studies on the results of removal of toxins detoxification, through sweat, and I'm not sure if there's ... when you say versus other ways, I'm not sure. But I know that like for my brother, using him as an example, he tried all the other ways to remove the mercury from his body. He tried to everything and he even went overseas to do some different types of therapies and nothing worked.
Connie Zack:
So a lot of our experiences from cases like that, that were people who tried everything else, and it didn't work. And so then they used our products and they found, wow, and then they would get the pre and post test from the doctor of, "Before I had cadmium in my body, I had lead, I had aluminum." There's all sorts of different things that people have. There was a trial that was done with our product, actually one of the only United States child's ever done with an infrared product on the market. This was back in 2005, University of Missouri, Kansas City. And there was somebody that was in the study who had arsenic when they were coming in, but they didn't know it. And as a result, once they found out that he or she ... I don't remember were in our product it was removed.
Connie Zack:
To answer your question as far as what types of toxins, I have seen it all. Everything from gas space, petroleum. And I know I work with physicians, who have helped people, who just work in those types of industries, firefighters, and the oil industry and people who just are ingesting these horrible, horrible things. And I have a doctor I always quote because she says, "Connie when I use ... when I have my patients go in and they use my Sunlighten Sauna once it smells like the New Jersey Turnpike." Because it like is coming out of their bodies.
Connie Zack:
And speaking of that, so similar when we talk about what is coming out, and what it smells, we had the ... this is years ago, when we first started the company, a lot of people helped ... our own associates used our product to help them quit smoking, because they would use it and like it would smell. And then when they would tell off they would be like this kind of yellowish, a different color. And they just looked down like "Holy cow. This is coming out of my body." And then neither you know it, I guess I'm not a smoker. So I can't relate, I can't speak to that. But I'm sure that it wasn't a secret. They knew that they're doing something that isn't the best thing for their body. But it's another thing to sit inside and like smell and I thought, all of a sudden and then I was like, "Oh my goodness, I this is real, this is real, this is not good."
Connie Zack:
And then there's also lots of studies I'm trying remember the name of the doctor, I can't bring his name into my head right now. Who's done tons on the oxycodone, the different types of addictive drugs and showing that we're able to remove those out of the body. And we worked also with many different rehabilitation centers, alcohol and drug centers, of just ways to kind of pull that stuff out of your body. So that it normalizes so that you're not to help eventually, with eight of other things. I'm not never with anything, am I saying that this is like the end all be all the only thing you should do, I want to make sure that's clear. But it's a great additive resource when trying to remove toxins in addition to other types of therapy as well.
Melanie Avalon:
Yeah, that's fantastic. I guess to clarify my original question, it's like, it can be hard to gauge the difference between ... if somebody is faced with an acute toxicity situation, and they may be wanting to do something like collation where taking them as agent that's like pulling out, binding to these toxins, compared to doing multiple sauna sessions to ... I'm assuming more slowly hold them out of the body but more gently, likely as well. So like with your brother, how long did he have to undergo the therapy to bring down his levels?
Connie Zack:
Yeah, well, so his was really a long part ... Keep in mind, this is a long time ago. This is over 20 years ago. And the product that he was using was it really ... I would call like an ancient form of Far infrared. It did not have a high amount of Far infrared. It had enough to start the process that where he could notice a little bit of a difference for the first time because he tried collation, didn't work. And, I'm just a big fan of, just in general of, why not try like the least invasive grueling treatments first, especially if they have been proven ... we've been doing this. We've been in business for 20, and we're going on our 21st year, it's 2020, wow. So we have countless number of success stories of people who have used our product successfully over those other types of treatments. And I would always recommend that you would do that.
Connie Zack:
And on that note Melanie, as far as kind of the efficiency and the time factor we have come a long way. And I would tell you that we can get you on the road a lot faster with today's products and today's world, than what my brother was experiencing. And so you can't really compare what he went through versus today when somebody comes to us, and they're have mold toxicity, which we see a lot or Lyme disease which we see a lot. Those you can start using your Sunlighten product and almost immediately you start to notice, oh, wow that mind fog that I was having ... and I know it's a little bit it's not completely cured by any means, because it takes time, but you definitely notice a difference. So it doesn't take as much time today as it used to.
Melanie Avalon:
So the person especially if they're dealing with detox situations, if that's what they're trying to target, should they start like slower and then go more extreme? Is that the potential for like, redistribution of toxins if you go too intense at the beginning?
Connie Zack:
That's a great question. I'm not concerned about that aspect, what I am concerned about is any type of therapy, any type of exercise, anything you can overdo. And so we don't know like, if you were telling me, "Gosh, Connie, and I'm just nauseous all the time. I don't have any energy. I really don't feel great. I think I maybe have mercury, I've heard great things about Sunlighten's products, and I think it's going to help me, but how do I get started?" Then I would say, do 15 minutes, like start small. You can even do 10 minutes depends on how sick you are. And then see how you feel. And if you feel fine, then the next day you can go a little bit longer and work up to 40 minutes, ideally a day.
Connie Zack:
That's a common question. Everybody says, "How often can I do it and how long should I do it?" The answer is you can do it every day, up to 40 minutes is a really solid session. But you also keep in mind, if you are doing active cardiovascular activities, just be aware, especially somebody who is thinner and may go for a run and then take a Sunlighten 40-minute session and all of a sudden they feel light-headed, well, you're probably doing too much for your body too fast.
Connie Zack:
So just listen to your body, that's the great thing about our bodies. If we pay attention to what they're saying to us, they're going to let us know. I know I can just ... the next day, I'm going to do it a couple minutes less and then eventually get up there and you will, you eventually get up to the maximum or not maximum, but to the 40 minute session.
Melanie Avalon:
Okay, yeah, that was something I was wondering was how intuitive would a person's response be to it. Because I know that for me, especially during the winter, I tend to feel a lot healthier in the winter. So during the winter, my body just responds really well to cold. So on the flip side of the spectrum, but if I'm feeling good pretty much, then I will feel like I can do easily like a 40-minute session every day at one of the highest temperatures. And I've been wondering, will I know if I'm doing too much, but then on the flip side, if I'm feeling more toxic or feeling like I am struggling more, I actually just feel less inclined to do a longer session. I probably need more detox at that moment. It's like I have to go slower. So I've always just felt like it was sort of intuitive. I don't know sometimes though, I'll be in and it lets you go up to an hour I think, like I could stay in here longer but I'm like there must be a cap on it for a reason for the 60 minutes.
Melanie Avalon:
One other thing I do want to ... because I know people's ears probably really perked up when you mentioned the calorie burning thing. Have you seen studies or have you conducted any on how many calories a person can actually burn laying in the sauna?
Connie Zack:
There's a lot of data and it really ranges on your body mass. And so anywhere from a couple hundred for 30 minutes to 250 depending on how much you weigh up to ... I've seen data when we were on The Oprah Winfrey Show in 2009 with Dr. Oz, he quoted ... he said, "I know there's data about 600 calories." So there's data out there, but I'm always hesitant, because I don't want somebody who's listening to be like, "Oh my god, I can burn 600 calories in 30 minutes. It just depends on your body weight." But you definitely can, it's a great way to burn several hundred calories in 30 minutes. Just really doesn't get much better than sitting there and enjoying this wonderful experience and burning a lot of calories. It's really the best way to burn calories. And we have done a study on the science part and I do always kind of go to the science piece just because I feel like that's what we specialize in.
Connie Zack:
And for me, it goes back to my roots getting on a tangent but I am just by nature, a very skeptical person and so I have to be proven anything. So back to the burning calories and weight loss, there was a study that was done with our product that measured your waist circumference. And we did show or we didn't, it wasn't my study, it was a doctor's study, he showed a reduction in waist circumference. So definitely some benefit if you're trying to trim down and reduce belly fat and there's definitely benefit that has been proven, as well as just a general caloric burn.
Connie Zack:
And it's a quick, quick way to get in two to three, whatever, maybe more hundred calories burned.
Melanie Avalon:
Yeah, for listeners, I will put links to some of the sites in the show notes. I was actually reading ... I don't know if it was that same one. But I was definitely reading like two studies the other day about reduced measurements and such from the sauna use and one was I think specifically looking at fat burning. So I will put links to that in the show notes.
Melanie Avalon:
So another question, if a person, if they have Sunlighten unit and they want to engage in the sessions, how can they best optimize the session? Would it be doing it every day like you said? Would it be pairing it with perhaps like, should they be taking like a cold shower after or a cold shower before? Exercising before or after? Can you maximize the benefits by combining it with other lifestyle practices?
Connie Zack:
That's a great question. My headline a different place in the beginning part of the question so now I just heard your second part. So if I don't answer we can go back to the first part. So the second part was other ways to maximize your session, is that what you said?
Melanie Avalon:
Yeah. Or also people often talk about like pairing it with like niacin, and like all these different hacks that you can do.
Connie Zack:
Yeah, and I am more of a purist. So I don't have ... and you'll notice if I don't have data, and I don't know, I just won't speak. So I don't know anything about that. I do know that exactly what you said earlier, I hear all the time. In fact, I know Dave Asprey did a study on sleep, and all the different ways to help sleep in Sunlighten came out above really almost everything else. I didn't see on all this parameters, I didn't see one other type of therapy that was better for sleep than using Sunlighten.
Connie Zack:
So as far as like hacks, it's people who have difficulty sleeping or just want a great night's sleep. I'm typically a morning so I sleep really well, so I'm not one of those people. But I know for sure, like definitively anybody who tells me that they do it at night, they like always say, "Oh my gosh, Connie, is the best night's sleep when I do it." So that it's just as far as a sleep hack.
Connie Zack:
As far as other types of ... like if there's supplements, that kind of that route or any other thing, really get back to the purist piece, it's just goes, I find the best sessions are when you're fully hydrated before. So a lot of times people are in such a hurry everything is expressed. And by the time I get in there, the Sunlighten unit they're dehydrated before they even start. Then that's not the best way to use it. You'll still work, but if you want to maximize your experience, be fully hydrated before and take water in and drink water while you're in there. That's really the best way to have ... you'll sweat more for sure. And to also feel better and it'll just maximize your experience. I'm like lemon water girl myself, but I don't have any science to support that. That's just my personal piece. I'm trying to think if there's any other.
Connie Zack:
Aside from those, we have a product called mPulse is a three in one which has Near infrared and LEDs, Mid infrared in a separate, hotter heating mechanism and then you're completely surrounded with our Sunlighten patented far infrared heaters, so low carbon heaters. And we have a tablet that has six different programs that can focus on various results based on what you're looking for. So that would be another kind of hack that is easy. Because you don't have to do anything you just get in there like press a button. It's like, oh, I want to have a cardio like an intense workout today. Okay, bam, I press the cardio button. Or I want to lose weight, I press lose weight loss button. Or going out for a really nice dinner and I want my skin to look nice and young and youthful and plump and beautiful, then I just do the anti-aging. so there's six different programs.
Connie Zack:
So that's that's one of my favorites tips is for somebody is to ... because sometimes they'll get the product and they go like, "How do I use it?" I'm like, "Use the program." So we spent years and years and years and worked with lots of scientists and doctors to figure out how to develop them. So use them because they work and plus it gives you peace of mind of, okay, I know what I'm in here for I'm in here today for pain relief, bam, press the pain rel;ief button and then away you go. So it's kind of a multi answer, that question.
Melanie Avalon:
Yeah, no, that's well. I really ... so if I ever have like a house, because one thing that is awesome about Sunlighten is you do have your Solo unit, which is super awesome for people like me or-
Connie Zack:
It is awesome.
Melanie Avalon:
Yeah, who might be in a smaller living situation. But on my to do list now I really want one of those units. Would you like to tell listeners a little bit though about like the Solo unit, for example. So that's what I have. And it's funny, I took a picture recently of my apartment on my Instagram and I was commenting how ... because I also have red light therapy devices. I was commenting how the maintenance guy had to come at midnight, and I forgot that it wasn't normal to have your whole apartment bright red in the evening.
Melanie Avalon:
And so I put a picture on Instagram of my apartment. And you can see the solo in the picture and people were commenting. They're like, "What is that? What is that strange thing?" So yeah, would you like to tell listeners a little bit about that Solo unit, which is ... it's so great.
Connie Zack:
It is so great. I love, love that unit. And it is the perfect unit for people right now as everybody is working from home and isolated and trying to find ways to keep themselves healthy. it's perfect unit because it's so lightweight. It's portable. You can put it anywhere, it's 67 pounds totally. It has two domes. And it's not the like sexiest looking thing, which is why and I'm sure people are like, "What is that?" And we've often we've talked over the years of making changes. But it's one of like, why when it really it is so effective and it is the most efficient for sure. Especially when you speak to the far infrared category, the Far infrared for a part of the infrared spectrum, there isn't any product on the market. And including in our own portfolio, including our Signature like wooden cabins, there isn't any product that is more efficient and more therapeutic for what it's designed for, than the Solo. It gives you the biggest bang for your buck, than you can get on the market. Like for sure.
Melanie Avalon:
Yeah, I was going to ask you about that, because I hadn't actually thought about this until actually when we talked last time and you were mentioning some of the mechanics of the Solo. So is it more therapeutic and you're getting the maximum bang for your buck because you're so close to the race? Is it the proximity aspect of it?
Connie Zack:
Yes. To answer it directly. Yes, that's one of the reasons but the other is we have put so many of our Sunlighten heaters, like our patented heaters are really, really special. They filter out all the noise, all the convectional heat like any of the non therapeutic raise it they filter all that out and you're just really getting the concentrated, highest amount of Far infrared possible at the right frequency. And then what happens is ... So you're getting that, but we're packing them in. So you're getting ... you have one at the feet, you have two completely surrounding the lower part of your body, you have two more than on the upper part of your body. And then most people, you don't have to but then most people get through Solo pad to complete the system. And you have four more in this, so you have nine of our heaters that are already at the highest ... Just several of them would be enough. But we really really have dialed it up for maximum benefit. And so every minute is four or five minutes or something else. It's really really efficient.
Connie Zack:
And so you have the proximity to the heaters is one factor for sure. But then you also have ... there's not a lot of ... even our own product you'd have to get to like a Signature two Signature three, you have to increase your size of your wood cabin before you get the same surface area of heat that you're getting in the Solo system. That makes sense?
Melanie Avalon:
Yeah, no, that does. That's fantastic. It makes me even more excited about my unit.
Connie Zack:
It's great because you can put it ... if you get tired of having it in your bedroom, you can take it and put it in a separate room. You can create an experience around it. So what I used to do is that I would dim the lights and I would put on some social music and you can create this ... I put on a mask on my face.
Connie Zack:
Now we have this lumineer one that has the red light. So, I'll use the red light one while I'm in there and put it on my face. So I'll use the Near infrared, there's just so many different ways to enhance the experience. Or you can just lie and immerse yourself and close your eyes and meditate or do whatever you want to do. I really hope you can tell how much I love it.
Melanie Avalon:
I love it too.
Connie Zack:
And it's really a great solution for people who don't want to deal with having to, "Where do I find a place for a four foot by a four foot cabin, where ... I have to change the electrical, where do" ... all those kind of things that people just don't sometimes want to deal with. They just want something to be easy. It's the easiest, and you don't have to sacrifice the effectiveness for the ease. That's what I love. A lot of times people think that they're like, "Well, if I have to do that one, I will." I'm like, "What do you mean? You're getting more bang for your buck. You can't get more Far infrared on the market then with a Solo system anywhere else." So it's a good place to be.
Melanie Avalon:
No, that's so true. Like I said, when I first bought it, I was like, in my dream world, I would be buying, like a larger unit, but because of my size, I got the smaller one, but it sounds like it's a fine way to go. Mine does have pads. I lay on top of the cushions and those heat up. Are those the pads that you are were talking about?
Connie Zack:
Yeah, it's a different color like sage green, the pad and it's tri-fold.
Melanie Avalon:
Okay, yeah, I think when I bought mine, the incentive was ... is it not always included with the unit, the pads?
Connie Zack:
It depends on how you ... if you buy the Solo system. So three ways to buy. You can buy the Solo system, and it's included. You buy the Solo dome, and then you just bind the domes or you buy the solo pad by itself. You just get the pad. You have to request the Solo system to have the pad part of the purchase.
Melanie Avalon:
Okay, yeah, so I bought the whole system. So we're good. What I also love is it has a light therapy. It changes ... What does that word Crona?
Connie Zack:
Yes, yeah, the Chromotherapy is built in.
Melanie Avalon:
Yeah. Chromotherapy, mm-hmm (affirmative).
Connie Zack:
Yeah. Yeah, I forgot about that part.
Melanie Avalon:
Yes, it has a really nice ... just has a really nice vibe, you're talking about ambience, I actually think that's super important. But with the chromotherapy, it comes with a list of the different health benefits of these different lights, and you can put it on whatever you like in it. It's wonderful.
Melanie Avalon:
One other thing is so especially during this whole COVID situation, I think literally every day, I have this moment where I'm just like, thank you that I have this Solo unit because just as far as like going stir crazy and feeling like I'm not moving around as much and not detoxing as effectively being able to do the session every single night. I've just been so grateful for it. Like I can't even express.
Melanie Avalon:
And I know when we were talking last time you said you'd actually been doing research on the Heat Shock proteins and the therapy for the immune system. Have you seen anything surrounding how it might help with combating viral infections or boosting immunity?
Connie Zack:
Yes, we're working around the clock and trying to engage with some doctors and scientists on that very question. And a lot of people coming to us, and everything right now ... Obviously, there's nothing that's 100% definitive, but the data is suggesting that because our product, specifically, because Sunlighten's products has been proven and it's the only product while we're wrenching is the only product on the market, whether it's infrared or not infrared.
Connie Zack:
To my knowledge that has data showing an increase in your core temperature while you're using the product. So there was a study that we did demonstrating you go in, and if your temperature is at 98 in 30 minutes, we showed an increase of three degrees. So essentially what's happening is you're creating a fever inside your body. And that is the mechanism that helps to fight viruses and colds and flus. And what's happening is, specifically when you're increasing the core temperature, you're, activating the Heat Shock proteins.
Connie Zack:
And that's it helping potentially, there's, I mean, there's lots of data showing that Heat Shock proteins, will help to prevent viral infection. So, we don't want to be transparent, we don't know specifically with this specific virus, with the Coronavirus, but there is a ton of data out there on ... especially on the preventative side showing if you're regularly using sauna therapy or heat or increasing your core temperature, that you are at a much lower risk of viruses, flus, common colds.
Connie Zack:
One of the theories is because when you're getting that artificial fever without disease into your body on a regular basis, you're preventing irregular cells, you're preventing that from coming in into your body. And so you're just constantly keeping yourself healthy. On a simple, layman terms, it's a really good, easy, non invasive, low risk way. Now that everybody's isolated, it's a great way to keep yourself healthy and keep your immune system as strong as possible, because eventually we're all going to go back out there, into the community.
Connie Zack:
So every day we're working with more experts. So as I uncover more information, I'm happy to share it with you, Melanie. Right now, the science of the data is positive when it comes to Sunlighten's products specifically because of the increasing core temperature. And the effect of the increase in core temperature will have on the body. So it's not just "heat" because there's many different ways as we talked about kind of going full circle, this conversation. As we talked about the very beginning of this conversation is how there's heat in general, which can definitely have some benefits. But if you can find a way, which is what we've done with infrared, if you can find a way to filter out the conventional heat and get in just the therapeutic part of the infrared wavelength that we know for sure, just tentatively is going to increase your core temperature can really help boost your immune system, and help yourself fight off things before that they get to you.
Connie Zack:
Because that's really, right now with this virus, that's the scariest part, especially those people who have a compromised immune system or their immune system isn't as strong. So well, what can we do now while we're isolated to get our immune system as strong as possible. Definitely I feel that the data suggest using a Sunlighten sauna regularly because of the increase in core temperature is a good solution.
Melanie Avalon:
Yeah, that's absolutely incredible. I'm just in awe of how many uses it has. Because we talked to the beginning, you could use it for targeted, muscle recovery, mood, things like that, but then also just a foundational immune support and just making your body stronger and more resilient. It's amazing. I do have one question. Are EMFs a concern at all with your units? I know, that's a question that a lot of people have about infrared saunas.
Connie Zack:
Yeah, that's a great question. Thank you so much for asking, because it's something I hear a lot. And this is what I'll say, so no, it's not a concern. Let me answer your question. And that's something that like from the very beginning ... Part of this is because of how we started our company, and when we started not to develop ... we kind of started a little bit backwards. We like developed a product that we knew conceptually theoretically was helping pull mercury out, and now how do we take that concept and how do we develop a higher quality more efficient heater? How do we make sure that the cabin is free from electromagnetic fields how do we make sure that the wood is safe and every component that's part of it is natural and healthy and healing. And so our product is ... there is, I want to say there is a lot of misinformation out there. And a lot of people that will say, certain types of saunas will have high EMF. And as a consumer you have to be really careful with that because there's a lot of times hidden agendas with people that are saying that and there's a lot of misinformation, is the best way to say it.
Connie Zack:
So, going the store, doing what you're doing and asking ... we definitely have ... if we can show you videos, we can show you tests, every time we develop a new product or a product enhancement before we bring it to market. We go through a rigorous testing protocol and we make sure that with that enhancement, it doesn't negate the safety. So, when we increase ... for example, when we developed mPulse from Signature, which is a three in one from Signature we wanted to make sure, we're increasing the effectiveness of our Far infrared, we want to make sure we're not there isn't anything in the safety mechanism.
Connie Zack:
So we test all of our products for EMFs, the Solo specifically has a kind of EMF canceling feature such so does the Signature, the mPulse has three wavelengths. So it's not as low as the Solo or the Signature, but it's still ultra low product that is very safe. So it is a concern. It's a very big concern that we make sure that we address before we bring a product to market. We want to make sure our consumers feel safe and comfortable and confident when working with any Sunlighten product.
Melanie Avalon:
That's fantastic to hear. Yeah, because honestly, that was my only reservation before getting an infrared sauna was the whole EMF concern. And then even I've been like asking people what questions they had for this interview, and that was one of the main questions people asked, was there the potential for like EMF exposure problems. So that is very good to hear.
Connie Zack:
Yeah, and no, they should ... Even back in the day when we first started, we had conduits around the wire like that ... And before we even knew how to do it in a more advanced way than we do now, we were taking those steps back then. And really like to think that all companies try and develop products that ... and I don't feel like there's people out there that are trying to have high levels of EMFs. So I don't feel like it's an advantage. I feel like every company would do the same thing, they would just do the right thing.
Connie Zack:
Our advantage, the reason you own a Sunlighten is because of the increase in core temperature, the technology of just being able to really develop and deliver the highest amount of the active ingredients, the highest amount of Far infrared, highest amount of Mid infrared, highest amount of Near infrared, the ability to have invisible light read by like everything all in one place. That's why you would own it because it has a low level ultra low level EMF, but that's just a kind of standard part of our manufacturing process.
Melanie Avalon:
Awesome. Yeah, just one more thing for listeners. Because I know it can sound sort of intimidating, like the idea of buying a sauna, it sounds like that's a lot to deal with, like, that's a commitment. I just have the Solo so I can just speak to that unit but it is the most like easiest. It doesn't even like ... I don't want to say you don't have to clean it, but it just like cleans itself almost. I don't really have to do much for it at all. I bought a twin size metal bed frame on Amazon. And I found that works ... A, it was like very affordable. And then I found that works perfectly for setting it on top of. So that's what I use. You can even put like a ... if you want to put like a cover over it. I just have it straight up on the frame. But yeah, honestly, every time I see it, my heart just kind of glows because I just really, really love it. And I've seen such benefits in my life from it.
Melanie Avalon:
So I just wanted to thank you so much for creating this product and making this therapy affordable and accessible to so many people. I can't thank you enough for it. That actually brings me to my last question that I asked every single guest on this podcast and it's just because I've realized how utterly important mindset and perspective is on just everything that we're experiencing in our world. So what is something that you're grateful for?
Connie Zack:
Such a great question. Man, what am I not grateful for? When you ask that the first thing in my mind is just the ability to be able to talk to you now. Like, think of technology, think of how you and I can come together and have this time together and share our stories and share our experiences to people that may really need it. And that just warms my heart to know there may be one person out there who is listening, that can really relate and is just really engaged. And hears your story about mercury and says, "Gosh, I'm going through this." Or know somebody, as a result is able to maybe take some action and live a healthier life or help somebody else live a healthier life.
Connie Zack:
So I'm so grateful I guess to sum that, I'm so grateful for the opportunity to live the dream that I've had, which is to make a difference in this world. And I will keep doing it every day. And I'm just thrilled to have the opportunity to be in that position to do that and to put my heart. So like I am all in. I'm all in. I do this business with my husband. I have two beautiful kids and they're all in. We are all in and I'm grateful to be able to do it.
Connie Zack:
So I can't thank you enough for reaching out, and I can't thank you enough for the opportunity and especially just for you, sharing your story and sharing your experiences to your listeners. And for doing what you're doing to being a beautiful role model and example, is just really special. So keep doing what you're doing.
Melanie Avalon:
Well, thank you. Thank you, Connie. This has been absolutely incredible. And yeah, I guess, just to come full circle. Like I said, I'm waiting for the day still, where I say that I'm grateful that I got mercury toxicity, or things like that. I'm still not quite to the point where I'm like, "Yeah, I'm super grateful." But I do see like, all the things that I've learned from it and what I experienced because if it wasn't for that, I honestly wouldn't be on this relentless search to find the things that we can use in our life that actually make a difference and make us stronger and make us better. And one of those hands down is this infrared therapy that you're bringing to us all. Just like is a specific, like my mercury for example. I've done a lot of detox methods, so I can't say anything was one thing but when I first tested my blood levels were like 40 or something, over 40 and last time I tested they were like three. So that's something's working and I definitely consider the Sunlighten a part of my daily routine for everything. And so thank you, I really, really enjoyed this conversation and then thank you even more.
Melanie Avalon:
So Connie and Sunlighten and they're offering our listeners a fantastic offer. So listeners can actually receive $100 off the Solo Unit or $200 off any cabin model and you can get shipping for $99. Normally shipping is $598. So that is a lot of savings. Thank you so much. I can't even express how thankful I am for that. So for listeners, you can get that at the link and at Sunlighten you can put in the referral source it will be Melanie Avalon. So again that's for $200 off any model and $99 shipping. I'll put all that information in the show notes.
Melanie Avalon:
But thank you Connie, this has been absolutely amazing. I look forward to developments. It sounds like just talking to you that you're always researching the latest and learning more. So I'd love to hear any developments that you learn and I will be eagerly watching.
Connie Zack:
Yes, yes, of course. Yes, we'll stay in touch. And I want for your listeners, my name is Connie Zack, if you see, if you have questions, it can be really, really confusing. And everybody wants to make sure they're getting the biggest value. And this is what I do, and I've been doing for for 20 years. So if you have any questions or if I was unclear about anything, please don't hesitate to reach out. And I'm more than happy to be a resource. I want you to feel good and confident about your purchase and your experience while you're doing all of your home work.
Melanie Avalon:
Thank you so much. After this interview, just speaking with you now you definitely ... you fit all my check box for the perfect resource to go to as far as you're doing the research, you're questioning everything at the same time. If you don't know something you're going to do research or you defer to somebody who does. So. I just thank you for that, for the honesty, that transparency and then the resource that you can provide. So thank you. This has been wonderful.
Connie Zack:
Thanks, Melanie.
Melanie Avalon:
Alright, I'll talk to you next time.