All posts in "Uncategorized"

Finding Hidden Wine Ingredients And Deciphering Labels

By melanieavalon / August 9, 2016

The suspicious lack of nutrition labels on alcoholic beverages may leave you thinking vodka is just vodka, beer is just beer, and wine is just wine. At least that’s what I always thought! I mean, you’d think a wine would be just fermented grape juice, right? Wrong. The truth is, a lot of stuff can go into wines, […]


Shock Away Your Bad Habits! (Pavlok Review)

By melanieavalon / May 30, 2016

Imagine wearing your own personal medieval torture device on your wrist, perhaps in glistening neon pink, if such fits your fancy! While it invokes the spirit of the fitness-minded Fitbit , or the life-organizing Apple watch, this one is slightly more sinister… and potentially more life changing. It has the power, through the implementation of a precisely […]


How To Switch To Natural Deodorant! (And Why!)

By melanieavalon / April 22, 2016

I did it. It’s one of those things I want to PROCLAIM TO THE WORLD, except I cannot do so without appearing like an utter freak. (Which perhaps I am, but one must keep up appearances.) So I shall now silently proclaim it to the virtual world: The switch to natural deodorant has been accomplished! It […]


4 Natural Ways For Instant White Teeth And Fresh Breath!

By melanieavalon / April 4, 2016

Whatever you put in your mouth gets instant access to your body. I don’t know about you, but I’d personally rather not be swallowing soap, fluoride, dyes, and other chemicals every day. Also consider that your teeth only receive nutrients and minerals from direct contact, so what you put in your mouth is key! Of course, a […]


7 Weird Things I Use Everyday, For Which I Blame Paleo

By melanieavalon / March 22, 2016

When you adopt a whole foods, natural, AVOID THE TOXINS, live as nature intended, can-I- just-be-a-cavegirl?-(not) lifestyle, you begin acquiring a lot of weird gadget/life hack objects. Unlike most weird gadget/life hack objects which end up forgotten relics of a technological age long past (here’s looking at you iCybie, AKA: my surrogate AIBO), these newfound tidbits surpass mere […]


My Thoughts On T. Colin Campbell’s “Whole” (With A Nod To The China Study!)

By melanieavalon / February 17, 2016

It’s perplexing to encounter antithetical nutritional advice from a voice overwhelmingly encompassing one’s overall worldview. I just finished reading T. Colin Campbell’s Whole: Rethinking the Science of Nutrtion, and I gotta say, it’s got me scratching my head. On the one hand, I could not agree more with Campbell’s framing metaphysics and epistemology. He believes consuming […]


Winning Wine: Cabernet Sauvignon

By melanieavalon / April 19, 2015

Check out the first video in my “Winning Wine” series, in which I profile perhaps the most well known red variety: the Cabernet Sauvignon. Fun fact! The Cabernet Sauvignon is actually a relatively new type of wine, which came about from an accidental hookup between the Cabernet Franc and Sauvning Blanc. Who knew they’d have such a famous […]

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