17 Signs You’re An “Actress” In LA

Ok, time for my first acting-related post. Why 17? I just like the number 17.


melanie avalon los angeles1. You are not surprised by ANYTHING anyone asks you to do. (Oh you want me to act possessed? No worries. Oh you want me to have an imaginary conversation? Sure thing. Oh, you want me to die? Got this.)

2. You have been a waiter in some capacity. Either because A. You’ve been an actual waiter, B. You’ve played one on a TV show, or C. Both (Likely C.)

3. You’ve “dabbled” in reality, and sworn off it. (With the caveat that if something “perfect” comes along, you may change your mind.)

4. You know slating. You have introduced yourself to unseen people more times than you can count. You wonder how many times you have said  “My name is ____.”  (And that “name” may not even be your name. Who knows.)

5. When you hear “type,” you don’t think of a computer. Rather, you think of some vague category of yourself brimming with random adjectives. (Ie: Young adult 20s CW type). And you’re quite good at attaching these adjectives to yourself. Objectification is the name of the game!

6. You used to say “I don’t want to date an actor,” but that was before you realized your entire social circle would be actors. And while it’s highly unlikely that you’re married or even in a serious relationship, you’ve played out every single version and state of a relationship possible.

7. You know the cool “go-to” conversation to have with fellow actors includes discussion of acting methods and lamenting about auditions and agents. When in doubt, you just nod and agree, with some sort of “creative” understanding.

8. To you, “Organic” is ideal for both A. Health and B. Acting.

9. When you show up at an audition with 20 other actresses looking exactly like you, you have mixed feelings. On the one hand, you see them as “competition,” but on the other, they’re kindred spirits. (I tend to err on the kindred spirits side.)

10. You can go “back home” and feel slightly cool. (Facades!)

11. You used to see cameras as a way to DOCUMENT LIFE! Now you just…don’t see them.

12.  Your backup plan is either A. None or B. Go back home and be a “Star” there. (Oh hey big fish in a small pond!) Of course, when people have the audacity to inquire about your “backup plan,”  you respond with “there is no backup plan!”

13. You can go to parties under the legitimate excuse of “networking.” Speaking of, you get invited to parties your friends back home would PAY to attend, and yet you’d honestly rather stay home with your friend Redbox.

14. You’ve seen more TV “in real life” than on a television.

15. You like that primping in the mirror is now considered “part of the job.”

16. Since everyone is an “actor,” that’s no longer the goal. You’re sincerely shooting for legend.

17. You curse being born with this NEED to act. But you wouldn’t trade it for the world.

(Thanks mom and dad!)


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