All posts in "Social"

I Think I Officially Need To Date An Intermittent Faster

By melanieavalon / January 28, 2016

I have this fantasy. In my fantasy, I’m at some >daytime< social function with beautifully motivated people. While most munch on fancy hor’fevours, I abstain, filling food’s absence with words. Then this beautiful human being approaches me, blending the cold brilliance of Spock with the ethereal agility of Legolas, and the God-like physique of Adonis. […]


5 Ways To Minimize Christmas Party (Weight) Damage

By melanieavalon / December 24, 2015

Who doesn’t love the crescendo of this merry time of year, with all its commercialized cookie cutter Christmas spirit? It’s a time of friends, family, and peace on earth. It’s also a time of indulgences which we write off as collateral damage for next year. After all, what are New Years resolutions for, if not #dealing? […]


Does Intermittent Fasting Encourage Eating Disorders?

By melanieavalon / November 8, 2015

You’d think the hardest thing about Intermittent Fasting would be the whole “not eating” thing. But actually, the “not eating” thing is kinda a breeze. Due to the metabolic adjustments of intermittent fasting and use of (essentially) never-ending fat as fuel, you actually have NO hunger when fasting. Energy levels soar, you lose weight, all while eating all […]


Five Common Reactions to Intermittent Fasting

By melanieavalon / September 9, 2015

If you start an intermittent fasting protocol, expect to hear “Ok so why aren’t you eating?”… a lot. In fact, perhaps the hardest thing about starting intermittent fasting isn’t so much the fasting (which can actually be a breeze), but rather learning how to #deal with people’s accusations and questions. People freak out when you don’t eat. […]


Why You Should Kiss Healthy People

By melanieavalon / September 1, 2015

These days, diet is actually a “serious” dating criteria for me. Not because I’m an elitist health snob, but rather because I want to be with someone who values their own health and wellness. Healthy bodies make for happy and vibrant people! (I’m convinced the day I meet a fellow Paleo intermittent faster gentleman, it […]


Why You Should NOT Do Dinner On A First Date

By melanieavalon / February 28, 2015

Eating is a biological habit which ensures survival. Without eating, you simply won’t exist for long. Things taste yummy because they provide energy and nutrients, allowing you to live your magical life. This pleasurable aspect of eating, however, has transformed food from a mere survival mechanism, to a form of entertainment. While this is all fine and dandy in […]

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