All posts in "Plant Antinutrients"

I Broke Up With Zyrtec.. And It Feels AWESOME

By melanieavalon / November 6, 2015

Confession. Despite my overwhelming Paleo-ness, hollers of holistic health, and persistent proclamations that many modern pills simply perpetuate problems, I was nevertheless engaging in a clandestine relationship with an illicit pill. Yep, we’re talking anti-histamines. And like any failed romance, saying goodbye to Zyrtec was hard to do… but totally worth it! THE EARLY YEARS […]


On Wanting To Be Eaten (Or How An Animal Rights Activist Convinced Me We SHOULD Eat Animals)

By melanieavalon / September 16, 2015

This past weekend while working my evening shift at a certain steakhouse in Beverly Hills, an animal rights activist entered the scene. He proceeded to parade through the restaurant, proclaiming to the steak-munching diners that animals have feelings too. I was actually scared for my safety, the police were called, and a lovely memory was made for all. Before […]


And You Thought Gluten Was Bad? Meet Lectin.

By melanieavalon / July 30, 2014

Oh hey Lectin! (AKA.: Gluten’s nefarious cousin lurking in the corner.) Lectins are a protein found in plants. They function as a part of the plant’s natural defense system. They’re particularly concentrated in grains (primarily wheat, but also rye and barley). They also reside in legumes and tubers such as potatoes, beans, and soy. Lectins are notably resilient to […]


What’s Your Gluten Clique?

By melanieavalon / July 27, 2014

I’m Joining the Club! When I found out a few weeks ago that I’m allergic to wheat, I jumped for joy. It was like my official invitation to the gluten-free club. I was no longer the “poser”  I felt like up until that point. (Like: “Hi! I don’t eat gluten because… umm… it’s bad. Can I sit with […]