Changing habits is hard. Especially when those habits involve food. And the super palatable, refined, processed foods we eat today function psychology like an addiction, so that surely doesn’t help matters. But while going Paleo may be an uphill journey, it will be worth it. I wouldn’t be so enthusiastic about Paleo if it hadn’t literally changed my life. (I didn’t make a website or write a book or engage in epic research and conversations of diet when I tried calorie counting or the Cookie Diet or vegetarianism.) Although the transition to Paleo may seem difficult at first, the “other side” is so beautiful when you get there! Be passionate, reflective, and real. Take it one step at a time!
Here are some tips to help you “adhere” to the Paleo lifestyle.
1. Mindset: Do Paleo for health, not weight loss. The weight loss will come, trust me, but if you’re doing Paleo for weight loss only, you may feel more “restricted,” since we’re conditioned to believe weight loss is a torturous path. (Although it doesn’t have to be). Viewing Paleo as a health choice renders it more “positive” in your mind. Here’s a little Jedi mind trick: say “I don’t” instead of “I can’t.” Studies show this simple change in terminology actually increases willpower by making the decision a choice rather than a restriction. And once you have practiced Paleo for awhile and experienced the benefits, you will begin to realize how crappy sugar and processed foods make you feel, while whole foods fill you with health and vitality!
2. Remove Temptation: Clear your cabinets of processed foods. It doesn’t matter how strong your willpower may be: if it’s there, you will want it.
3. Be Simple: Err on the side of simple. As your tastebuds change from going Paleo, you’ll realize you don’t need an abundance of salt/sugar/flavorings/etc. for things to taste good. Embrace this “simple” change. Combining lots of ingredients to make things super palatable can actually interfere with appetite regulation. If you favor a more basic and “clean” approach to meals, you just might find yourself more satisfied in the end. A basic Paleo meal, for example, can consist of some meat, coconut oil, and veggies! (Before Paleo, I couldn’t imagine eating meats not slathered in sauces. I now actually prefer meats completely au natural, with no sauces or seasonings added!).
4. Avoid Mimicking Old Habits: This relates to #2. Don’t fall into the trap of substituting to mimic old food choices. When you keep tempting things present (i.e.: sugar substitutes, paleo-ified cookie recipes, etc.) you continue to crave what they are replacing. Consider being bold and eradicating all hints of your former cravings and temptations. Save the super crazy recipes (including desserty ones) for special occasions. I personally found that the stricter I became, the easier it was to adhere. Look for new food possibilities, not new versions of old ones.
5. Remember: nothing tastes as good as healthy feels!
6. Plan Ahead: Consider planning your meals out ahead of time. Rather than waiting till you get to the kitchen when you’re hungry, decide beforehand what you’ll be eating the next few meals. Same with the grocery shopping. If you’re making less actual choices when it comes time to eat and shop, you’ll be more likely to stick with it!
7. Embrace Left-Overs: Consider making more than needed for dinner, and then eating leftovers for lunch…or even breakfast! The less time spent mulling over making food, the easier it is to just eat and go on with your life!
8. Companionship: Try out Paleo with a friend! If you can find someone to embark on the Paleo adventure with you, it’ll be so much more easy, motivational, and amazing! Plus you won’t feel weird making special orders when dining out.
9. Bring Your Own Food: For parties, bring a “party favor” of Paleo-friendly food. If you work in an office type setting, consider bringing your lunch (at least in the beginning), or trying some intermittent fasting. Then you won’t be tempted by cafeteria food. Once you get used to Paleo, you’ll have much more self-control and be able to laugh in the face of food temptations!
10. Distractions: Use distractions to your advantage. If you find yourself craving a candy bar or something else non-Paleo, use it as an excuse to do something distracting which you love. Your brain is probably just craving some dopamine, so get it some other way! Watch that netflix! Go for a walk. Text your crush. Dance around your room to some super motivating song. (Confession: I do that last one a lot).
11. Find A Paleo Snack: Find a Paleo-friendly snack you love, so you’ll always have something to munch on! For example: cucumbers, celery, kale chips, etc.
12. Prevent Cravings: Try to minimize factors which cause cravings. Lack of sleep and stress, while hard to avoid at times, notably encourage mindless eating signals. Try to get your sleep (I know, I know), and find ways to manage stress (yoga, meditation, prayer, good habits, laughing with friends, talking to family, etc.)
13. Avoid The Scale: Do not use the scale. Or if you must, step on it once a week or so. You shouldn’t be judging process by a scale number, especially since it says nothing of body composition, and can be quite misleading in regards to fat and muscle. It’s also easily swayed by fluctuating water levels and hormones, especially if you’re female. Instead, judge by how your clothes fit, how you look in the mirror, and how you feel.
14. Record Your Journey: Consider taking before and after pictures for motivation! Or journal along the way! Or blog!
15. Remember how awesome it is to not count calories!
16. Research: If you’re the information-lover type, read lots about Paleo. It’ll make you realize why Paleo is so amazing for health, making you that much more excited and committed. You’ll also pick up many tips along the way, and feel less alone in choosing a healthy lifestyle. (Which can definitely happen whenever you go against the norm.)
17. Deal With Peer Pressure: If you’re feeling pressured by others to break your diet, consider why: it’s likely for their own satisfaction, not yours. (“Oh you have to try this cake” translates to “you have to try this cake so I won’t be the only one eating it.”) People like to make dieters feel bad by “making food such a big deal”…but the way I see it – they’re the ones making a big deal of it. Maybe they just don’t want to feel guilty about their own choices, or feel uncomfortable with your “drastic” change. People react funny to change. Just remember you are in control of what you eat – nobody (presumably) is forcing you to put anything in your mouth. It’s your choice. You can do it! There are a lot of worse struggles out there.
18. Salivate: Chances are, if you’ve done “dieting” in the past, you’re probably accustomed to lackluster fat-free frankenfoods which never satisfy. With Paleo, you can eat a steak, and enjoy it! Relish the moment….
19. Imagine: When you really want to eat that cookie, think ahead to your happy, healthy self. The one who didn’t give in. Find a go-to happy place in your mind for when you’re #struggling, and go there. I have this weird imagination game where I imagine myself on an amazing date with someone I’m super into, and everybody looks beautiful, and I’m happy and healthy. I don’t know why – but it nips cravings in the bud.
20. Never Beat Yourself Up: Whatever you do, do not beat yourself up about anything! You are a beautiful human being, and scolding yourself for a diet slip is just silly. It won’t kill you, and you can still make progress. See it as a learning experience. (“Well, we won’t be doing that again!”) Whenever I slip-up, instead of being like “EAT ALL THE SUGAR!” I like to think “It can only go up from here!”